
  • Retail: Serving The Community

    23 August 2007 News
    According to a new survey, small retailers are more aware of their commitment to the local community and the benefits that come with it.
  • Event: Award Winners Announced

    23 August 2007 News
    The shortlist for this year¹s Highlands & Islands Food and Drinks Awards has just been announced.
  • Breakfast Habits Revealed

    22 August 2007 News
    A recent survey by Rachel’s Organic and Yougov has unveiled the breakfast eating habits of consumers in the UK
  • Retail: Online Sales Rise Further

    21 August 2007 News
    With high street sales suffering peaks at troughs, it seems the draw of the internet continues unabated as a new report reveal sales are exceeding £4bn a month.
  • Report: Fine Food Digest In Breach Of Advertising Code

    20 August 2007 News
    The results of an investigation by the Advertising Standards Authority, reveal that statistics quoted in a Fine Food Digest Marketing campaign were out of date, unclear and misleading
  • Retail: Keeping Up With Technology

    17 August 2007 News
    The Rural Shops Alliance and North East Regional Development Agency are installing touch screen technology in 56 retail outlets in the north-east.
  • Retail: More Help To Go Green

    15 August 2007 News
    The Government is planning to cut the red tape surrounding eco-friendly devices so that businesses can put greater efforts into going green.
  • Business: Fraud On The Up

    14 August 2007 News
    Low risk of prosecution is contributing to an increase in business fraud, it has been claimed.
  • No Time For Eating

    13 August 2007 News
    With time at a premium, eating habits are changing dramatically, as a new report from Datamonitor reveals
  • Retail: Get Help To Buy Local

    13 August 2007 News
    A local storm is building in the midlands as Nottinghamshire entrepreneur, Wendy Baird, works to help more independent retailers and caterers to buy local in a bid to build their business, satisfy their customers and do their bit to protect the environment.
  • Are You A Cheese Champion?

    13 August 2007 News
    The Fine Cheese Co, sponsors of the 'Best New Deli Award' at The British Cheese Awards is inviting retailers to enter their farm shop, delicatessen or cheese shop for this award that recognises dedication and excellence in the promotion of British cheese.
  • Retail: Supermarket Sales Slow Down

    10 August 2007 News
    Growth in the grocery sector has slowed down further as interest rates increase and wet weather continues to dampen consumer spirits.
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