
A look inside the organic market

  • Organic Farming Alarm

    03 February 2014 News
    A draft EU regulation leaked by a German magazine suggests that organic farmers will be forced to go 100 per cent organic
  • Organic Food and Drink Sector Stabilises

    30 September 2013 News
    This year has seen sales of organic food and drink rise by 0.6 per cent, from £1.22bn to £1.23, ending the steady decline of the industry over the past few years caused by the recession
  • International Menu at Nordic Organic Food Fair

    16 September 2013 News
    The event will be held in Malmö, Sweden on 20th-21th October, and is set to play host to some of the finest food companies from around the world
  • Organic Food Sales Continue Decline

    25 March 2013 News
    Sales of organic produce have dropped for the fourth year in a row, according to the Soil Association
  • Welsh Children Unaware of Organic Food

    16 July 2012 News
    Half the children in parts of Wales have never heard of organic food, according to a survey
  • Go Organic This Spring

    02 April 2009 News
    This year's Natural & Organic Products Europe on 5th and 6th April at Olympia will once again put the best natural and organic in the spotlight, proving just how important and resilient the organic food trade has become, even in the current challenging climate.
  • Organic Superstore Buys Land

    02 December 2008 News
    Unicorn Grocery is currently interviewing farmers and growers willing to cultivate the 21 acres to supply the store.
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