Food Safety

Making and keeping your business compliant

  • Defra: More Detailed Meat Labelling?

    14 May 2015 News
    The government is in discussions with the food industry regarding making the labelling on meat more detailed
  • Beef Industry Welcomes Code of Conduct

    26 February 2015 News
    A voluntary code of conduct for the beef industry has been put into place by the National Farmers Union (NFU) and British Meat Processors Association (BMPA) to improve trust in the sector
  • Countryside Alliance Calls for Clearer Meat Labelling

    13 February 2015 News
    The Countryside Alliance has urged the Government to push for all processed meat products to display clearer country of origin labelling, therefore supporting British farmers
  • Response to EU Labelling Laws

    17 September 2014 News
    Richard Brooks, CEO of internationally accredited translation experts K-International, shares his advice following one of the latest EU food directives aiming to improve the obesity issues across Europe
  • Butchery Apprenticeship Standard Approved

    16 September 2014 News
    The new standard has been developed over the past seven months by a range of employers including Aubrey Allen and Walter Smith Fine Foods, and has now gained ministerial approval
  • On-Tap Olive Oil Regulations Update

    28 August 2014 News
    The UK Government has updated the law regarding olive oils, including labelling, packaging and selling olive oil on-tap
  • UK Food Origin Improvement

    21 August 2014 News
    Recent research carried out by Defra and the Food Standards Agency (FSA) has shown that the level of misleading origin labelling on British foods has improved
  • Fine Food Safety at Your Fingertips

    11 June 2014 News
    At the heart of every fine food business is the desire to achieve the highest standards. Checkit’s bespoke food safety monitoring system directly responds to the individual needs of the speciality sector, making it easier for food business operators to maintain their principles and deliver first…
  • SALSA Workshop Success

    09 May 2014 News
    Half of the scheduled SALSA food labelling workshops (FICR) have now taken place, and have taught over 50 food industry workers about the new food labelling regulations
  • Call For Food Testing

    20 February 2014 News
    Food producers and retailers are being called upon to have their food produce tested in order to maintain levels of quality and clarity for consumers, following 1200 tonnes of fake food being seized by an Interpol-Europol investigation
  • Fake Food Scandal

    10 February 2014 News
    Recent research has shown that a number of foods such as ham, cheese and prawns are being adulterated before being sold to consumers
  • Consumer Trust At All-Time Low

    28 November 2013 News
    Recent research carried out by Ketchum shows that trust and clarity surrounding ingredients and food labelling are priorities for consumers
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