Retail & Industry

  • Retail: Lib Dem Support For Independents

    06 March 2007 News
    Supermarkets would face tough action from a retail regulator and town halls to halt the decline of independent traders in town centres, under new measures approved by the Liberal Democrats.
  • Retail: Public Unhappy With Supermarkets

    02 March 2007 News
    New research by Oxfam for Fairtrade Fortnight has revealed that although 92% of British consumers buy their food and drink at major supermarkets, just 11% of them actually want to do so.
  • Report: Is Britain Too Soft On Shoplifters?

    02 March 2007 News
    According to the latest research, almost half (47%) of Britons back lighter sentences for shoplifters.
  • Retail: High Street Sales Accelerate

    01 March 2007 News
    The latest CBI snapshot of the high street has revealed that retailers enjoyed a third consecutive month of year-on-year growth in sales volumes in February.
  • Retail: Plans To Cut Carrier Bag Use

    28 February 2007 News
    UK retailers have agreed to reduce the overall environmental impact of their carrier bags by 25% by the end of 2008.
  • Environment: Dreaming Of A Green Future

    27 February 2007 News
    With environmental concerns becoming more of an issue, the Government has pledged to work with the food and farming industry to develop a system of 'green' labelling for food.
  • Report: Make A Difference With Fairtrade Fortnight

    27 February 2007 News
    As fairtrade fornight begins, latest figures have revealed that sales are at an all-time high, prompting calls from the Fairtrade Foundation for even greater pressure for change
  • Business: Bank Note Gets A Revamp

    26 February 2007 News
    The humble £20 note will get a re-design as from 13th March, when the Bank of England brings in a revised edition which offers enhanced security for retailers.
  • Report: Snack Market Takes A Dive

    23 February 2007 News
    A new report has revealed that the UK sweet and salty snacks market has seen disappointing sales in the wake of Government efforts to reduce obesity by alerting consumers to the importance of a healthy diet.
  • Promote And Prosper

    23 February 2007 Retail
    This month Rob Ward at Greenfields Farm talks about sales, snoggable garlic, his new delivery club and window stickers
  • Trends: Healthy Food Sales On The Up

    22 February 2007 News
    According to a new report, consumer concerns over health issues are boosting sales of food and drink brands that offer a clear health message.
  • And The Winner Is…

    21 February 2007 Retail
    Ed Haigh at Bigbarn muses about the importance of awards in the speciality food industry and how they can boost business
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