
  • Consumers: You Can’t Scare Us!

    10 August 2007 News
    UK consumers are increasingly turned off by food scares and product recalls - with almost 70% of shoppers saying they are hardly aware of national product alerts and fewer than 20% trusting the manufacturer or retailer to give them accurate information, a new nationwide survey reveals.
  • Launch: Slow Food Comes To Cheshire

    08 August 2007 News
    A group of six Cheshire food lovers have joined forces to fight for the county’s culinary heritage - and against fast food and over processed food.
  • Retail: Shops Concerned About F&m

    07 August 2007 News
    Following confirmation of a second case of foot and mouth disease in Surrey, retailers are becoming increasingly worried about supplies of fresh meat.
  • Foot And Mouth Puts Farmers In Crisis

    06 August 2007 News
    With this latest outbreak, farmers look set to face a bill for tens of millions of pounds as international bans are imposed on British produce after two cows in Surrey tested positive for foot and mouth disease.
  • Retail: Slow Summer For Shops

    01 August 2007 News
    Retailers' hopes for a strong summer have so far failed to materialise, according to the Confederation of British Industry (CBI).
  • Retail: Waitrose Attacks Whole Foods

    30 July 2007 News
    US chain Whole Foods Market is to be investigated by trading standards officials after a complaint was lodged by Waitrose, reported the Sunday Times.
  • Retail: More Businesses Going Bust

    27 July 2007 News
    The number of retailers going bust has surged by more than 20% between April and June this year, according to the latest figures from credit ratings firm Experian.
  • Food: Cambridgeshire Schools Go Local

    25 July 2007 News
    By the autumn, 40% of the menu for the county's 250 primary and secondary schools served by Cambridgeshire Catering Services (CCS) will be made with food sourced from farms and food companies from the east of England and surrounding area.
  • Farming: The End Of Cheap Food

    24 July 2007 News
    NFU President, Peter Kendall has welcomed the lifting of commodity prices and predicted the end of cheap food in a speech at the Royal Welsh Show, in Builth Wells.
  • Retail: Wheat Prices On The Up

    23 July 2007 News
    A combination of factors means the price of everything made of wheat seems likely to go up in the next months.
  • Retail: The Cost Of Ethical Sourcing

    20 July 2007 News
    Over half of those who work in retail expect ethical sourcing to drive up production costs by at least 5%, according to analyst, Verdict Research.
  • Plenty Of Greens At The Speciality & Fine Food Fair

    18 July 2007 News
    If you have an active social conscience and care about the future of the planet, there will be dozens of stands to interest you at the Speciality & Fine Food Fair at London’s Olympia, from 2-4 September, 2007.
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