News from around the producer sphere
SFDF Guides Small Scottish Producers
17 February 2014 NewsThe Scottish Food and Drink Federation (SFDF) held a series of workshops to offer practical guidance to small and medium-sized food producers -
SALSA Launches Food Labelling Workshops
04 February 2014 NewsThe company is launching the workshops in order to guide small producers through the EU's new food regulations being put into place this year -
Bench-top Meat Detector Produced
11 November 2013 NewsFollowing 2013's horse meat scandal, UK engineers have created a machine able to distinguish between beef and horse meat in products -
FSA Discusses Unregulated Labelling
11 November 2013 NewsA recent survey has discovered that three out of four allergy-suffering consumers would buy products labelled as allergen-free, despite a lack of regulation -
New Drive to Promote British-Made Food
19 August 2013 NewsThe UK's food supplies for the year would have run out in August if it was relying on home produced food -
Buy British Campaign Launched by NFU
19 July 2013 NewsA campaign aimed at spreading awareness and increasing sales of food produced in Britain has been launched by the National Farmers Association (NFU) -
Scottish Food Producers ‘Should Pursue EU Protection’
14 June 2013 NewsScottish food producers are being urged by the Government to apply for EU protected status for their brands to prevent imitations -
New Olive Oil Portal Links Buyers with Growers
03 June 2013 NewsThe UK's first web portal linking British retailers directly with Spanish olive oil producers has been launched -
Plans for £25 Million Jam Factory Approved
15 April 2013 NewsA council has granted planning permission for a new Tiptree jam factory at the Wilkin and Sons site -
Hampshire Deli Launches Own-Brand Range
12 April 2013 NewsA deli has developed its own range of produce to sell in-store and in its on-site bistro -
Yorkshire Smokehouse Wins REYTA Award
08 April 2013 NewsA smokehouse has won an award at the Remarkable East Yorkshire Tourism Awards and has been shortlisted for the VisitEngland Awards For Excellence 2014 -
Coombe Castle Wins Business Award
08 April 2013 NewsA Corsham-based dairy producer and exporter has been named Business of the Year in the first Enterprising Wiltshire Awards