24 June 2024, 13:00 PM
  • The British food and drink scene will miss one of its greatest and most passionate champions
William Tullberg, founder of Tracklements, dies at 91

Champion of the speciality food scene and revolutionary of Britain’s condiment category, William Tullberg, has died at the age of 91. 
William founded Tracklements in 1970, and during his 35-year career there he was instrumental in forging the business’s innovative approach to condiments – including the invention of wholegrain mustard, a widely appreciated result of following his endless food curiosity.
He was a stalwart supporter of specialist retailers, slow food and artisan manufacture, and was passionate about the UK’s food revolution within which he played a major part. 
Constantly excited by the number of brilliant new artisan food businesses springing up across the UK, William was a passionate and inspiring ‘bon viveur’ who will be sadly missed by the fine food industry.