Speciality Bites with
Paul Hargreaves
Chief executive of Cotswold Fayre

Could Covid-19 help us be a Force for Good?
14 April 2020 Speciality BitesGood often comes out of bad situations, and only those of us old enough to be born before the World War II can remember anything quite as bad as this. -
Covid-19 Update 3
06 April 2020 Speciality BitesSo, we are in week three of lock-down and I am expecting at least another three weeks. -
Covid-19 Update
30 March 2020 Speciality BitesI am putting my series on characteristics of leaders on hold again this week, as there is no other story other than CV-19. -
23 March 2020 Speciality BitesI am recording a series of video blogs on the characteristics of good leaders or actually the qualities of good people. -
A Crisis is always an Opportunity
16 March 2020 Speciality BitesI have resisted writing about Covid-19 up until now, but as the situation is now dominating absolutely everything there is no other story in town. -
Looking after yourself
09 March 2020 Speciality BitesSelf-care has become a trendy term, and can be used as an excuse to not do things. -
02 March 2020 Speciality BitesI was speaking at a leader’s workshop last week talking about why we need to transform our business from ones that are all about making money to ones that are about making the world a better place, and the profit will... -
“Being a servant leader”
24 February 2020 Speciality BitesWe often have an idea in our heads of a leader as someone who is pushing themselves to the front, telling people what to do and perhaps a little pompous. -
“No more dog eat dog”
17 February 2020 Speciality BitesI know it’s partly my age and perhaps less pervasive now, but I was brought up at school and home with the view that if I win, then someone else must lose. -
“Beware Distractions that can thwart Purpose”
10 February 2020 Speciality BitesLast week I talked about the importance of clearly knowing your purpose in your life, both work and personal, and then ensuring that you carve out enough time to focus on that purpose.