Speciality Bites with
Paul Hargreaves
Chief executive of Cotswold Fayre

The Holiday Season
16 August 2010 Speciality BitesI am sure that – like us – you are running your business with fewer staff members than normal as the peak of the holiday season draws upon us -
Service, Service, Service…
26 July 2010 Speciality BitesIf anyone watched the most recent series of Mary, Queen of Shops you will have heard Mary Portas continually banging on about service -
A Great Summer
09 July 2010 Speciality BitesWhat a great summer we've had so far. Although as I write this I hear of heavy rain in the North West -
Thinking Bigger
08 June 2010 Speciality BitesI have just returned from a week away in Devon, which was a good chance to spend time with my children and re-charge the batteries -
And What Now For The Economy?
17 May 2010 Speciality BitesI write with particular reference to the speciality food sector, and am wondering whether the recent long-drawn-out election result will make any difference to us? -
Welcome To The Summer!
05 May 2010 Speciality BitesThe ridiculously cold weather (and the fact that our Christmas catalogue is at the printers) must mean summer is on its way! -
Who Are We Voting For?
26 April 2010 Speciality BitesI am not going to make the mistake of pushing one particular party over another with the General Election pending, but do we think of our businesses when voting? -
Looking Forward To The Summer
12 April 2010 Speciality BitesIt seems that summer – or at least spring – has finally made a brief appearance. Let’s hope it doesn’t disappear again as quickly as it came! -
Food & Drink Expo 2010 – How Was It For You?
29 March 2010 Speciality BitesI have always thought four days is too long for a food show, but the time simply flew by at the NEC last week -
Lessons From Mexico
16 March 2010 Speciality BitesI have just come back from a UKTI trade mission in Mexico. This is the second such trip I have been on and I was struck with the potential for UK companies to do business in other countries.