Speciality Bites with
Paul Hargreaves
Chief executive of Cotswold Fayre

High Street Revival
09 May 2011 Speciality BitesThank God we are back to a semblance of normality this week with the first normal week for what seems like an age -
Here Comes The Sun!
04 May 2011 Speciality BitesApart from the Christmas season, the summer represents the best opportunity to increase sales for the independent food retailer -
Love Local Shops!
18 April 2011 Speciality BitesCustomers love local shops, and I hate the attempted take-over of these stores by the supermarkets -
The R Factor
11 April 2011 Speciality BitesRelationships within business are absolutely fundamental -
New Year Part Two
04 April 2011 Speciality BitesWell, it is the end of the financial year and the end of the business year for many -
Ife 2011 – How Was It For You?
21 March 2011 Speciality BitesWell, IFE is finished for another two years -
Two Trips To Brum
07 March 2011 Speciality BitesDuring the last week I have been to Birmingham twice, and I'll talk about both in my piece this week -
Are We Dealing With Food Producers Or Branding Companies?
22 February 2011 Speciality BitesWith the news that Jamie Oliver has launched a range of 55 'artisan lines for independents' I think we need to be careful where we are going. -
Don’t Believe The Latest Gov Trade Figures – Not If You’re A Farm Shop Anyway!
31 January 2011 Speciality BitesI've just come back from the annual conference run by FARMA.