Speciality Bites with
Paul Hargreaves
Chief executive of Cotswold Fayre

“Are the chips down?”
26 September 2016 Speciality BitesI have been thinking this week about chips; not those to have with chips, nor those that used to be called crisps, but those resident on some people’s shoulders! -
To Export or Not to Export
12 September 2016 Speciality BitesBritain is "too lazy and too fat" with businessmen preferring "golf on a Friday afternoon" to trying to boost the country's prosperity, Liam Fox has said, and since then suffered a lot of abuse from others -
Show time!
02 September 2016 Speciality BitesIt’s our favourite time of year, and I think my 17th Speciality & Fine Food Fair -
Time for a Break?
11 August 2016 Speciality BitesThe chances are that you are reading this before you go on holiday or after you come back, and hopefully not whilst you are away! I had to chuckle to myself when listening to the headline news on the radio... -
Try Something Different
01 August 2016 Speciality BitesAfter a very busy summer so far, finally I have had the opportunity over the last couple of weeks to call into a few speciality food retailers -
Moving On!
20 July 2016 Speciality BitesSorry it’s been a couple of weeks since my last blog, but this has been at the end of an extremely busy two months and I am glad to start this week as a “normal week” for the first time for a... -
What does Brexit mean for the food industry?
29 June 2016 Speciality BitesOk, so there is no doubt what was front of mind for New Yorkers over the past few days whilst I was at the Fancy Food Show. Brexit! Hotel receptionists, porters, potential suppliers, waiters were all asking what was happening... -
EU Referendum
20 June 2016 Speciality BitesNo doubt what the big event is this week. England and Wales’ matches this week at the Euros, whilst important to some, aren’t quite going to affect our futures as much as the vote on Thursday -
The Euros
13 June 2016 Speciality BitesMatters European are everyone’s focus for the next two weeks, by which time we may be out of Europe both politically and in the football. We’ll leave aside the football this week after Saturday’s results, and concentrate on 23rd June -
Constant Change is Here to Stay
27 May 2016 Speciality BitesWith the EU referendum coming up and a warehouse move this weekend at Cotswold Fayre, I have been thinking about change. We work in an industry that is all about innovation and change and those that don’t embrace change tend not...