Speciality Bites with
Paul Hargreaves
Chief executive of Cotswold Fayre

“The New Superpower of Food?”
30 January 2017 Speciality BitesWell that was a surprise to most of us – who would have forecast that Tesco would make a bid for Booker? -
“Innovate to survive in 2017”
23 January 2017 Speciality BitesThere is no chance of complaining at present of the world being boring. As I have started to write this blog, breaking news has just popped up on my phone, “President Donald Trump, America’s 45th Commander-in-chief has just been sworn in”. Five... -
“How was Christmas for you?”
10 January 2017 Speciality BitesThe most commonly asked question around the food world at this time of year must be: “How did Christmas go?” Initial feedback we have received suggests that it was generally positive for many retailers in the speciality food sector, although ask me... -
“It’s beginning to feel a bit like Christmas”
19 December 2016 Speciality BitesFor many of us in the food sector, it is easy to potentially not enjoy Christmas as much as others as we are immersed in it for much of the year -
“Emails: blessing or curse?”
09 December 2016 Speciality BitesAs we approach the festive season, many of us heave a huge sigh of relief as the volume of e-mail traffic decreases as producers start winding down for Christmas and retailers are too busy to e-mail -
“Ordinary people”
04 December 2016 Speciality BitesI have been watching on “catch up” a BBC series 'Ordinary Lies' recommended by a friend. Just as well as I wouldn’t have normally watched it - the title didn’t really do it for me! It is a well put together,... -
14 November 2016 Speciality BitesI am currently spending a few days in Scandinavia, in particular, Sweden and Denmark. I arrived in Stockholm on Saturday to be greeted by over a foot of snow thinking this is normal for these parts. It turns out that... -
“Communication is king”
03 November 2016 Speciality BitesTempting though it is to talk about Brexit again, with some slightly positive news for business this week from the High Court judges, I am going to refrain, as some of you may be bored! Instead I am going to... -
“Silly season is on its way”
24 October 2016 Speciality BitesMany of us are just back from SIAL in Paris. Well there are worse places to go for a trade show I can think of! -
“Currency pressure”
07 October 2016 Speciality BitesWhether a fat finger blip or not sterling had already reached a 31 year low against the dollar last week, before plummeting to $1.14