Speciality Bites with
Paul Hargreaves
Chief executive of Cotswold Fayre

02 July 2018 Speciality BitesJust like the Brexit negotiations at present, all transactions, negotiations and business relationships involve trust -
“Remember your heart!”
25 June 2018 Speciality BitesLast week I looked at the garden centre world. This week, prompted by reading more about the House of Fraser plans for the future, I turn my attention to the world of department stores. -
“How important are garden centres within the speciality food sector?”
18 June 2018 Speciality BitesWith the sale of Wyevale, it is an interesting time for the garden centre world -
11 June 2018 Speciality BitesI was struck this weekend when visiting some friends and business associates in West Wales how integrated the business community is with the local community -
“The sun continues to shine on the speciality food sector”
04 June 2018 Speciality BitesIt’s been a stunning month for speciality food sales largely driven by great weather, despite the thunderstorms in the last week of the month -
“Emotions within business”
29 May 2018 Speciality BitesIs there a place for emoting within business or should we leave our emotions behind when we start our journey to work on a Monday morning? Are we better managers, leaders and workers within the work environment if we adopt... -
“Calculated risks”
21 May 2018 Speciality BitesIt seems the fascination of the British TV watching public continues with two new business programmes just launched -
“Pay gaps”
14 May 2018 Speciality BitesThe Sunday Times Rich List was published yesterday with an unknown man at the top of it – Jim Ratcliffe, a joiner’s son, who has made his money from chemicals and fracking. -
“Weather impact on speciality food sector”
07 May 2018 Speciality BitesI am writing this sitting in the garden under a scorching sun -
“The power of green”
23 April 2018 Speciality BitesWhich company in the UK is run by a former new age traveller, based in Stroud, started by building one windmill, owns a League 2 football club and employs 800 staff with a turnover of around £150m?