Speciality Bites with
Paul Hargreaves
Chief executive of Cotswold Fayre

The End of Show season
15 April 2019 Speciality BitesI am not quite sure why but many of the food shows for the whole year are crammed into a few weeks before Easter. -
Changing the world for better through employment
01 April 2019 Speciality BitesTwenty years ago I came from the charitable sector into the world of business and set up a speciality food and drink wholesaler, Cotswold Fayre -
How strong is our sector?
25 March 2019 Speciality BitesAfter spending most of last week at trade events, I thought I would give an assessment this week of the strength of the speciality food sector -
18 March 2019 Speciality BitesTo my horror I had an e-mail a week or so ago reminding me that I am speaking in a Brexit debate at IFE this week. I had forgotten when I signed up to it several months ago, but really... -
Retail Evolution
11 March 2019 Speciality BitesI remember writing a blog post a few years ago after spending three days at the NEC on a stand that was on the border of the Convenience Show and the Farm Shop & Deli Show -
04 March 2019 Speciality BitesAs we approach the third decade of the 21st century, many companies know they need to sharpen up their act on both how they treat their people, the people in their supply chains and the people of the world through... -
Being B Corp
25 February 2019 Speciality BitesIt seems that in the fourth year since its launch in the UK, people are talking about B Corp more than ever in this B Corp month of February. Waitrose.com launched their on-line B Corp shop this month and grouped... -
Buyer-supplier relationships
18 February 2019 Speciality BitesOne of the leading articles in ‘The Grocer’ this week was an article on buyer-supplier relationships, which told us “that a new study from the University of East Anglia claims to have unearthed new lessons about the buyer-supplier relationship. Dr... -
Leadership is…
04 February 2019 Speciality BitesThis week I thought I would return to a subject I have look at previously: leadership, and, more to the point, good leadership -
Some trends for 2019
28 January 2019 Speciality BitesSo, early in 2019 what are the trends coming through for 2019?