The Curious Pickle Collection

The Curious Pickle Collection champions the time-honoured culinary custom of meat preservation, long-forgotten in modern cooking

Chunks of prime British meat (beef and pork) are cooked with spices and vinegar following traditional recipes to create unusual bold-flavoured curry-pickles that are both comforting and invigorating.

The essential addition to your cupboard, That Hungry Chef’s Curious Pickles can be transformed into a hearty curry for two people in just one step, and guarantee to liven up any meal or snack. For example, the Indian inspired Achari Beef becomes a brilliant instant biryani when stirred into cooked rice, and the Pork Vindaloo makes a vibrant Goan style canapé when served on top of freshly baked flatbread. Of course, the possibilities are only limited by one’s creativity.

Pratap Chahal, founder of That Hungry Chef, said:

“Having trained under some of the best chefs in the country, I wanted to share that experience and knowledge - combining it with an Indian heritage, life in London and gastronomic adventures around the world. I love what I do and what I cook, and want you to have the same pleasure from using these jars that I do. After all, if I’m not addicted to them, I can’t expect you to be either!”

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  • Achari Beef
  • Pork Vindaloo