Italian Pasta maker Garofalo now offer point of sale material free of charge to all new and existing customers*.
Garofalo’s point of sale includes shelf edge labels, wobblers and posters. One of the posters highlights the vast number of pasta shapes available, as well as being very visual it is also informative for consumers relating pasta names to shapes. The POS pack, full of useful tools, has been produced to grab consumer attention with aim of increasing your sales of Garofalo pasta.
Garofalo also include in the pack information about the company and its pasta for increased staff knowledge.
To get your POS pack just email Garofalo to confirm you are an existing customer or a new customer having placed an order, and a pack will be posted out.
Garofalo have an added incentive for POS implementation and offer a chance to receive £100 worth of FREE Garofalo Pasta by simply emailing a picture of your display of Garofalo pasta with the POS in place by the end of November 2015, and the top 5 displays will receive the free stock with their next order from their chosen distributor.
*subject to availability