Uk Food Businesses Lack Funding

15 December 2009, 03:16 am
Speciality Bites by Paul Hargreaves

I have had the opportunity twice within the last two weeks to see how low UK food businesses come on the Government's priority list.

‘Food from Britain’ had its problems and wasted quite a lot of Government money, but the UK desperately needs some kind of cohesive plan to help UK food businesses export to Europe and beyond.

There has never been a better time to export Britain’s food due to the weak pound and its increased profile throughout the world, but we are simply not able to make enough of this opportunity.

At a food show I attended in Shanghai, [to read Paul’s ‘Lessons from China’ click through the related link] there were big stands from Australia, New Zealand, France, Italy and many other places. The British stand totaled three companies – an embarrassing effort.

I know the Government has other issues on its plate at present, but one of the best ways of increasing the strength of our economy is through the balance of payments. Please impress this upon your local MP and lobby for funding for the food businesses in the UK.

I have also seen the lack of funding first hand is in my new role as a director of the South-East Food Group Partnership. (The umbrella organisation for the Southern counties regional food groups such as Hampshire Fare, Taste of Sussex, etc.) The funding is cut for 2010/11 financial year.

Most of these county organisations will survive this, but for the following year there is a real danger that some of these groups will disappear. For a new gourmet food producer just starting up, these organisations are a tremendous help and can offer enormous support in raising the profile of small food businesses. They also enable small producers to exhibit at trade shows without it costing a fortune.

Clearly it will be detrimental to the food culture of the UK if the funding to these organisations is cut further.

Sorry to be a little depressing this week, but do enjoy the next two and a half weeks. It looks like a very busy Christmas trading period for us all.

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