To Party Or Not To Party?

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When in France last week, I was surprised to find out that the ‘staff Christmas party’ seems to be a unique event in the UK, and isn't really done in other European countries
This could be an encouraging sign for company directors throughout the UK. It’s not that they are likely to get drunk and make fools of themselves (though some do!), but rather the fact that the annual event of drunkenness and debauchery with your colleagues (people you work with but often don’t socialise with for the rest of the year) is not necessarily a pretty sight.
But bosses that do not lay on an event at Christmas are viewed as ‘scrooges’ or ‘killjoys’, so there is a dilemma here. Perhaps an event without alcohol? I don’t think so! Or perhaps an event during the day when people are less likely to get hammered? But maybe they will anyway! I would be interested in more creative solutions – if anyone has any let me know!
Personally I like to thank my staff for their hard work at the end of the year, and because we have all worked our socks off in the four months prior to Christmas, it seems an appropriate moment to do this. We also invite partners as they too have made sacrifices to allow their partners to work long hours in the run-up to Christmas. I believe the latter move is quite unusual, but perhaps leads to less debauchery?
The key is to decide the bar budget and to allow people to have a good time without breaking the bank – or themselves! There was one memorable year at Cotswold Fayre when a member of staff decided to punch his manager in the face at the Christmas party, having drunk too many Sambuca shots (paid for by me unwittingly). Needless to say there was a bit of a strange atmosphere for the rest of the evening!
For your information any event like this counts as ‘being at work’, so normal disciplinary measures can proceed. In this case he was dismissed for gross misconduct on the first day back after New Year. Hopefully you won’t need that information, but just in case!
Have a good Christmas party season and, for the bosses out there reading this, stay sober at the Christmas party – and let your hair down away from work!
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